Sunday, March 28, 2010

What do you think?

Ken Aston, the famous FIFA referee and referee instructor used to say, "Refereeing is thinking."

It's repeated often at training, but it has little meaning unless one contemplates what it means. Have you ever thought about it?

What does "refereeing is thinking" mean to you?

Write a comment and explain?

Desert Valley Soccer Referee Association

It was an honor and a pleasure to spend the weekend out in beautiful Palm Desert with the referees of the Desert Valley Soccer Referee Association.

Fred Stroock and Scot Stormo were great hosts for Toros Kitbritjian and I, who mentored some of their youth referees at the local Cactus Tournament, then gave four hours of training over two nights.

This was a big commitment for the referees, giving up their Friday and Saturday nights for the good of soccer and their referee advancement, but the feedback was great.

Shout out to some of the referees I got to watch: Kris, Shane, Peter, Adam, Brennan. Sorry if I left out any names. And Kimberly, I hope your car wash fundraiser went well.