Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have a theory...

On what happened in the USA match when the Mali referee rescinded the winning goal...

Two US player were being fouled the shot was taken. I think the R saw those fouls, or at least the commotion and recognized in his mind that something was wrong. Then the goal is scored.

I think confused the attacking team from the defending team and signaled DFK for defense when he should have signaled PK. (Of course, given situation and proximity to the goal he should have given advantage and waited).

But I think he confused the two sides then signaled to support the USA, but for the wrong direction.

To support my theory, there is an angle that shows the referee raising his whistle just prior to the shot, telling me he's made a decision before the ball was in the goal.

Next, the DFK restart was placed at the place where the USA player (Dempsey or Bradley?) was being held (bear hugged), right at the top of the goal area.

What's the answer to this? With such a critical decision, to rescind a winning goal, how sure can you be NOT to look at your AR to confirm your decision? I'd love to see as the goal is scored what the lead AR's reaction was.

Next, as the AR in this situation, when your R makes such a big decision, how sure are you when you have not seen anything to support his decision? What do you do if R's decision is COUNTER to what you have seen occur? Do you have an obligation to say something?

Ultimately, the Referee Team must act as a team to get the decisions RIGHT, and don't restart until the team is satisfied they got that decision right.

Review of Referees so far...

Thought Batres of Guatamala did a great job in the Italy v New Zealand upset today. Did not think the PK foul for Italy was as controversial as the commentators thought: if you're ahead by 1, why would you be pulling your opponent's jersey in your penalty area.

Read on here:

Friday, June 11, 2010

France cheats its way into World Cup

Note how one of the top players in the world cheated to get his team into the World Cup. Poor Ireland.

This was clearly a nearly impossible situation for the referee team, Referee or the AR.

Incident brings to mind the idea of the spirit of the game and fair play.

Made me cringe to see Thierry Henry call for a handball in the France v Uruguay opener in the WC. Credit to that referee who saw it right, no handball at all.

France v Uruguay, Day 1

Congrats to the Referee in the match. Spot on some very critical and difficult decisions, including Send off and non-call handball!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Referee Assaulted, Man Arrested in Riverside

Glad to see that Riverside Sheriffs took care of business recently, arresting the man who tackled a referee at an adult soccer game in Temecula.

The ref ended the match 20 mins early when players started fighting. Then while he was recording his match report on the field, a man tackled him.

That man was later arrested at his home for felony battery. Apparently the referee was injured badly enough to be taken to the hospital for spinal injuries.

Don't know if man was a spectator or a team official.

Also, and more importantly, don't know if referee was doing match alone, with ARs, or with club linesmen.

Lessons here:

  1. When you end a match early, especially due to violence, don't spend alot of time hanging around;
  2. Don't stand on the field with your head down in a match report, especially if you don't have ARs to either side of you;
  3. Here's an example of why I stress that the REFEREE TEAM should stand together on the field after the match, never split between the two halves of the field, like I often see;
  4. When you sense or know problems have happened during a game that might cause confrontation afterward, the referee team should leave the field together;
  5. When you arrive at a field, find a resting place that is neutral, near the direction of exit to your car, but out of the way of heavy foot traffic to reduce chance the your equipment is taken.

    Remember also, as the police officers did here, there is a special section in the penal code for Battery on a Sports Official, which carries a higher punishment than simple battery.

    Be safe and alert.,0,4011418.story

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What do you think?

Ken Aston, the famous FIFA referee and referee instructor used to say, "Refereeing is thinking."

It's repeated often at training, but it has little meaning unless one contemplates what it means. Have you ever thought about it?

What does "refereeing is thinking" mean to you?

Write a comment and explain?

Desert Valley Soccer Referee Association

It was an honor and a pleasure to spend the weekend out in beautiful Palm Desert with the referees of the Desert Valley Soccer Referee Association.

Fred Stroock and Scot Stormo were great hosts for Toros Kitbritjian and I, who mentored some of their youth referees at the local Cactus Tournament, then gave four hours of training over two nights.

This was a big commitment for the referees, giving up their Friday and Saturday nights for the good of soccer and their referee advancement, but the feedback was great.

Shout out to some of the referees I got to watch: Kris, Shane, Peter, Adam, Brennan. Sorry if I left out any names. And Kimberly, I hope your car wash fundraiser went well.