Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wish I said that in the Pre-game

You are in the middle of a match when something happens, maybe out of the ordinary, and then you think, "Darn, I wish I had talked to the ARs about this."

So think back about one of those situations. What was it you should have covered, but didn't?

Reply to this post in a comment and I'll compile your answers into a comprehensive list.


Anonymous said...

What to do if it is not clear whether all of the ball crossed the goal line into the goal (e.g. goalkeeper takes an awkward step back into goal with ball, or ball rebounds off the inside of post but goalkeeper still catches the ball). I wish I had reviewed the signal and told the AR to wait until I made eye contact before moving up the line.

Anonymous said...

When it came time to sub during a U19 match, four subs ran on the field before the players went off. After play started, there were 12 players on the field.

Paul Vernon said...

Both these points are important. The one re: the goal in or out of the goal is actually covered under the Guide to Procedures, which referees must ALL know as it is our standard communication procedure. Here's what the mechanics should be in that situation:

1. AR raises flag and looks at R to indicate ball out of play (wholey over the goal line)

2. When R whistles play stopped, look at R and run up touchline (indicating a goal scored)

As to substitutions

This information MUST be addressed in pre-game as the procedures can differ by tournament rules, and since some procedures for substituion is left the R's discretion.

Here are a few points to cover in pregame on subs:

1. What involvement does R want from AR? (run to halfway line? etc)

2. According to tournament rules, when may teams substitute.

3. Aside from established sub flag signal, how will referee team communicate during substitution.