Saturday, May 2, 2009

Newest Advance Referee in La Verne-San Dimas

Congratulations to Craig Pifer who completed his final assessment for upgrade to AYSO Advanced Referee.

Despite a 13:1 final score, Craig was able to demonstrate a high level of cooperation with his ARs, a good understanding of the laws, and excellent match control.

One decision I particularly liked was an unusual situation when a GK punted the ball into the head of an opponent from a close distance.

Craig stopped play and I held my breath to see what he would do: If he made this a foul by the GK, it would be a PK, and should be a card. But the act did not really call for that from my position. It could also be an IFK for GK team for the opponent interfering with GK's releasing ball into play.

Craig took the GK aside and spoke to him, then he awarded a dropped ball to the excellent decision considering everything.

His whistle and talk to the GK let the opponent know Craig saw the player get hit in the head and Craig would not let that happen; his talk to GK just reminded him to be more careful, giving the GK the benefit of the doubt that it was more an accident than on purpose.

Having determined no foul was committed, Craig restarted with a dropped ball for the GK. All in all, the message was sent and the game stayed fair, all within the laws.

Sending the right message in this match (U14B) at this moment in the match (15 min) was very important to setting a tone for the match, and player management.


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Craig.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Craig!