Sunday, June 28, 2009

What's your opinion of the Vuvuzela?

The Vuvuzela puts a whole new meaning to the "horn of Africa." You may have heard these low-pitched, yard-long, plastic horns being blown if you've watched any matches at the Confederation Cup tournment. They sound like an elephant's call or a fog horn!

Let's have your opinion...

But before you chime in, consider the following:

The blowing of this horn is a long-established tradition for South Africans, apparently. Other countries, teams, coaches, etc. have all noted their disdain for the low, annoying sound they make, but FIFA declined to ban them.

FIFA pres. Sepp Blatter has said that he does not favor banning the horns.

Africans are quick to point out that horns are no different than other countries and teams' traditions of singing, playing drums, stomping, etc.

What do you think? The World Cup is one year away in South Africa.

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