Monday, May 11, 2009

What gets you by?

I'm inviting all referees to answer this question:

What bit of training, preparation, or tip best prepared you for your
last successful assessment or even just a well-done match?

Your input could help a fellow referee pass her next assessment.


1 comment:

Michael G said...

My experience in prepping for my assessment was to read over my notes taken from the "Advance Course" class the night before my match. Second, arrive fresh for your assingment(not a good idea to have done 3 or 5 games prior to your assessment).Thirdly, arrive at least 1 hour before game time. And most importantly be confident in your AR's abilities to work as a team!! I would like to express my graditude to Paul Cyhanuik, and Roger Pearce for their assistance on my match (these two referees were also being assessed).