Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week 5 - Week in Review

Please submit your self assessments by clicking on the comment link below this post. Your self assessment can be of something you thought went well, or something, that in after thought, you would differently in the future.

Here are a few observations for this week:

We are about halfway throught the season and there have been very few aggravated incidents by coaches or spectators toward referees. That's a credit to coaches and referees alike. We work as a team on the field!

The use of technical areas and spectator lines have gone along way to set expectations early. A number of person have commented that using them in managing the games has made a big difference.

A number of referees at the pizza meeting tonight commented on how doing a good pre-game talk with their referee team really helped in their game.

Lucas Del Toro, one of your youth referees, made a great call today, recognizing an offside situation when the player in the offside position game back, behind the defenders to play the ball. Well done, Lucas.

Thanks to Mike Raycraft for mentoring some new referees this weekend. All referees, Intermediate and above, are defacto mentors. Mentors' function are to provide support to new referees. When mentoring, please refer any questions on the Law or proper mechanics to this blog or to a certified referee instructor or assessor.

One questions that was posed, I have made into the poll for the week. Vote on the poll, then find the answer in Advice to Referees.

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