Saturday, October 25, 2008

Week 7 in Review

Let's see how many of you can submit a self assessment this week. They are quite beneficial to the writer (YOU) as well as to fellow referees.

Here's a situation to think about and comment on... (would you have handled it any different?)

A U14 match, where substitution is set at halfway through each half and at half time. The first two sub periods are done. Halfway through the second half, play stops and the referee calls for substitution.

The RED team has two subs out, who will come into the game to complete the minimum playing time requirement. But one RED sub is in the bathroom at that point of the substituion.

So the coach wants to let one of the players subbing out to stay in the game until the sub returns from the bathroom. The referee agrees, and play is restarted.

Five minutes later, the sub from the bathroom approaches the AR and asks permission to go into the game. The AR gives him permission.

The ball is in play, and the RED sub runs on the field. The referee sees an extra player entering the field and stops play. The referee pulls out his yellow card and raises it over his head.

The sub is allowed to remain on the field, and the player who was supposed to be subbed out leaves the field.

Write a comment explaining anything different that you would have done in this situation. I will write a follow up post with the proper procedure and explanation.


Herman Frettlohr said...

Situation Girls U10: Green attacker receives a pass from a teammate, turns and immediately starts toward Yellow's goal. A Yellow defender came in hard and and shoulder checked the Green attacker. The Green attacker was much larger, faster and skilled then the Yellow defender and retained possession and forward movement. The Yellow player did cause Green to start moving toward goal at an angle. As the run continued Yellow kept the pressure on and Green immediately shoulder checked Yellow hard pushing her off balance. At that moment the Green player took a very hard angle shot and scored to my surprise. These checks were more aggressive then your average shoulder to shoulder rub which I am okay with.

Now, when the Yellow player first came in, it was with an obvious attempt to push Green off the ball. I didn't call the foul because I knew Green's ability and she did maintain control so I played advantage. However, Green immediately returned the favor (and much harder!) and scored a goal that surprised even me because of the angle and distance.

I did not call the foul and allowed the goal. What would you have done? I did talk to the Green player, who happens to be a GU10 Silver Elite Club player, and counselled her.

Paul Vernon said...

From your description I'd say no foul was committed by either player.

Soccer is a contact sport. Charging is legal as long it is not careless, reckless, or with excessive force.

Both players were in playing distance of the ball; it did not sound like excessive force was involved (and it's rare to see excessive force by U10 player during a charge)

Sounds like you read the play well, recognizing the attacker's ability. As to advantage, there would be NO advantage to call if you did not think a foul had occurred.

This situation sounded like good, hard soccer, but probably a little more than people are used to seeing at that level.

Talking to the attacker was fine. It's hard to judge from here on that. She sounds like a good player who was making the most of a scoring opportunity.

I don't think I would have done anything different from what you did.

Mike Crandall said...

I'll take a shot...
I would have stopped play, cautioned the player who entered the field last and have him removed from the field.
In a nice way, I would counsel my AR that he or she did not have the authority to let a player enter the game without my approval and resumed the game.
After the game, I would have written up the situation on the game card to let the league deal with the outcome.

Paul Vernon said...

Thanks for taking a risk Mike. I'll give a couple more folks chance to answer, then I'll explain my interpretation.

Dave Mushinskie said...

I would have handled it like Mike C.

Paul Vernon said...

Ok referees, my interpretation can be found on the post above this one.